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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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[c. 1746]

Let Edr heartyly Rejoyce
and waft her thanks up throu the air
Since by ane universall voice
Again Good --- fills The Chair
wha makes it all his care
To Meditate the Common weal
and does the Publick good prefer
to what Relates unto himsell
He Merits Praise who moves so just
That Envys self dares not Revile
upon His Candor we may trust
without disturbing fears of Guile
on whom even jarring partys smile
the Reason's plain they kenna how
detraction on his fame to wile
because that way their's Naithing due.
That Dame who has a Husband wise
and kens it too, with pleasure sits
Viewing his acts with Chearfull Eyes
& to his Rule with Love submits
Thus Edr like a wife comits
Her managment to them that Can
not feard for Loss or fainting fits
while --- is her good man
When fate's great Author is inclind
His blessings on a place to shower,
He raises men of upright mind
To had the rulling reins of power.
Those magistrates to angells tower
Who hate each avaritious crime
And by their prudence evry hour
Do good to thousands at a time.