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Free Parliaments, can we call such as those?
Or, think the Members of it freely chose,
When they who much less worthy men do seem
In others eyes, than in their own esteem,
(And they, who have more wealth and pow'r, than grace,
Wit, or sincerity) with shameless face,


By bribes, threats, fawnings, or corrupted friends,
Procure their own Elections for self ends?
And when th'Electors likewise cheated are
Of their free choice, by weakness, hopes, or fear?
Call you that free, which was at first begot
In bondage? Which, at full enjoyeth not
A freedom yet? and, was to come and go,
When others pleased were to have it so?
Can that be free, or freemen make of us,
Which is begot and constituted thus?
To which a Coney-burrough, or a village,
Not able with rents, labour, trade, and tillage,
The Charges of one Burgess to maintain,
Is as well priviledg'd, to send in twain
Unto a Parliament, as any Shire
Which doth two hundred times their burdens bear?
And may corrupted be to make a choice
Which will destroy three Nations, with one voice?