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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XXVI.

The Argument.

The iust mans song
Who suffreth wrong
for righteousnes beshent:
And prayth in will
That he may still
a lyfe leade innocent.

Iudica Domine.


Lord iudge my deed: as I haue lyued
in thee my hope is all:
For this my trust: in thee so iust,
I neuer doubt to fall.


Lord proue my waye: and me assaye,
by fire trye thou my reynes:
And search my hart: my foe is smart,
myne giltles life he straynes.


Thy clemency: was nye myne eye,
to stay, me right to do:
I dyd inure: my hart full sure,
to truth from lyes to go.


Wyth lyers vayne: I would not trayne,
my lyfe to follow such:
Wyth crafty men: I would not renne,
whose lyfe dissembleth much.



The wycked rout: that goeth about,
to harme and hurt I hate:
I will not set: in councell yet,
wyth men of wycked state.


For washe I wyll: my handes euen still,
wyth men of perfect lyfe:
And thus shall I: O Lord so hye,
frequent thyne aulters ryfe.


Where I shall rayse: thy worthy prayse,
that men may loue the same:
I wyll there sprede: thy grace in deede,
the workes of thy good name.


O Lord the place: where restth thy grace,
I haue the bewty loued:
Thy heauenly house: so glorious,
I loued as me behoued.


Wyth sinners great: Lord do not shet,
my soule, wyth them to bee:
Thy grace extend: my lyfe defend,
all men of bloud to flee.


Theyr handes do presse: all wyckednes,
euen guile prepensed so:
Theyr better hand: corrupt doth stand,
wyth brybes, euen thus they go.


But yet will I: most certenly,
in truth my lyfe addresse:
O make me free: from them to bee,
shew me thy tendernes.



My foote as yet: in ryght is set,
in playne simplicitie:
And still wyll I: in company,
exalt thee Lord on hie.