University of Virginia Library


Air—Miss Macleod's Reel.

Painful the duty is, which I must now perform,
Stating a train of guilt uncommon and enorm-
Ous,—calling my witnesses to make the fact out plain,
And if your verdict's guilty, my labour's not in vain.


Gentlemen, your feelings must, with justice, never jar,
The statutes of the land condemn the pris'ner at the bar;
The law most clearly indicates the gallows, as reward,
For culprits such as him between the soldiers of the guard.
John Black met Peter Brown, upon the King's highway,
With foul intent to rob, I fear intent to slay;
John Black, the pannel, did step up to Peter Brown,
And with his fist, or bludgeon, did knock said Peter down.
Ferocious, atrocious, felonious also,
Did then and there, with that or this, reiterate the blow;
Then seized Peter by the throat, to suffocate his cries,
And most outrageously exclaim'd, “Your money, d--- your eyes.”