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Tasso and the Sisters

Tasso's Spirit: The Nuptials of Juno: The Skeletons: The Spirits of the Ocean. Poems, By Thomas Wade

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But the Lord of the Deep? As the sorrowful willow,
Whose branches bend over some rivulet's bank
And love on its bright stream their verdure to pillow
Till their furthermost leaves become wither'd and dank,
Tho' the current should fail, tho' its freshness should die,
And its smooth bed forsaken all desolate lie,
Still reclines as before and as faithful as ever,
As tho' the lost stream had deserted it never:
The great Spirit thus o'er the dead Maiden hung
As fondly as when her rare beauties were young:—
Tho' the glow of her lip, tho' the bloom of her cheek
And her eyes, whose blue light could a wild language speak,


Were all faded and gone, still the sad Spirit lov'd,
Nor e'er from the side of the dead Maiden mov'd.
And still the fair Sprites of the far-foaming Sea
Would frequent abandon their revels of glee,
And 'mid sounds of strange music, right mournful, tho' sweet,
Would weep as they knelt at the dead Maiden's feet.