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On the hillside, where the sheep
White in whiter moonbeams sleep;
Where with drowsy midnight eyes
His own fold each shepherd spies:
—Why has Night her veil withdrawn?
Why this dawn before the dawn?
Who the radiant eager throng,
Chanting forth their glory-song?
As they gaze in happy fear,
What the hymn the shepherds hear?
Holy, Holy, Holy,
All Thine Angels cry:
Jesus pure and lowly;
Jesus throned on high!
Born for us in Bethlehem,
Grant us grace to sing with them
Holy, Holy, Holy!
Brightest Star of stars that blaze,
Whither dost thou bend thy rays?
What the cottage-stable low
Over which thou shinest so?
Who are these with robe and crown,
Seeking through Ephráta town,


Westward here by wisdom led
Till they kneel and bare the head,
Casting down their gifts before
That star-signall'd gleaming door?
Holy, Holy, Holy,
All Thine Angels cry:
Jesus pure and lowly;
Jesus throned on high!
Born for us in Bethlehem,
Grant us grace to sing with them
Holy, Holy, Holy!
By the manger who is He,
Nursling swathed on Mother's knee,
O'er Whom, all amid the kine,
Mary whispers, Jesu mine!
—Lamblike there we see Him lie;
Lamb of Heaven for Earth to die;
Son to God Himself most dear;—
Very child with children here;—
Baby nursed on mother's knee,—
—Saviour of mankind—'tis He!
Holy, Holy, Holy,
All Thine Angels cry:
Jesus pure and lowly;
Jesus throned on high!
Born for us in Bethlehem,
Grant us grace to sing with them
Holy, Holy, Holy!