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Golden Histories, etc

By Wathen Mark Wilks Call

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The Mill-Stream.

A child looks into the mill-stream,
Where the fish glides in and out,
The dace with the coat of silver,
And the crimson-spotted trout.
He plays with the diamond waters,
He talks to the droning bees,
He sings, and the birds sing with him.
He runs as to catch the breeze.
A perfume from wood and meadow
Is wandering round the boy;
He is twining a garland of lilacs,
And joyous he thinks not of joy.
He prays in the eve and morning,
For the Heaven seems always near,
And he thinks that each childish murmur
Is a charm that the angels hear.


O Life! O beautiful picture!
O light, and perfume, and love!
O the grace of the heart that is tender!
O the dream that can lift us above!
O Life! no longer a problem,
But a something to see and enjoy,
A brightness on stream and meadow,
A breeze round a dancing boy.
Back, back to the fair blue morning
Of wild Hope and of Fancy wild,
Let me watch the fish in the mill-stream,
With the eyes and the heart of a child.