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Rhymes and Recollections of a Hand-Loom Weaver

By William Thom. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch, by W. Skinner

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O Peggy waur your heart as free,
As free as it is rare;
I'd be a saint to worship thee,
And build an altar there.
Or could I wyle that heart awa,
An' haud it aye my ain;
Within this bosom's benmost ha',
Never to flit again.
I saw yon gleam o' sunny licht
Spread o'er your gladsome brow,
An' o', love lurks wi' fatal micht
Aroun' your comely mow.
Yet frae the brichtness o' that brow,
There fa's nae licht for me;
An' O! its sair to doat, I trow,
On lips we daur'na pree.
Ye bid me sing, an' fain would I
Do a' ye bid me do;
But aye my tremblin' lips deny—
My tremblin' heart fills fou.
But aft I'll sing the sang ye lo'e
When your nae bye to hear,
An' ilka soun' that pleasur'd you
I'll welcome wi' a tear.