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Vulgar Verses

By Jones Brown [i.e. A. J. Munby]

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Th' Owd Cabin.

Wat, Maaster, yo'n coom'd oop te see us agëan!
Yo're maybe joost aht for a spree?
Wa mun gie ye a welcome, us few 'at is left—
An' that's Lizzy, an' Polly, an' me.
Ah know'd ye, fost minute Ah seed yo o' th' broo;
Thinks Ah, yon'll sure to be him:
Wi' his billycock 'at, an' his leggins an' all,
Eh, doosn't he favver eawr Jim!
Leäk ye nah! Here's th' owd cabin yo'n sat in afoor—
It's wārm, if it isna sae grand;
Coom insahd, an' Ah'll clëan ye a plaace te sit dahn,
When Ah's gien it a wipe wi' my 'and.
Hi, Polly, here's soombody seechin for thee—
Waake oop, lass, an' tell waw it is!
Why it's t' mon 'at oonce gied tha' a pair o' good clogs,
An' a graadely new bonnet for Liz.
Weer's Liz? Hoo's a-keckin, Ah laa, oop o' th' shoot;
An' Ah mun be off afoor long;
Sit ye dahn, sir, an' tell us a bit of a taale,
For wa've gotten naw tahm for a song.


Don yo mind, when yo seed us at Bartlemy Pit,
An' wa' soong ye, did me an' Big Ann,
Yon taale of a sweetheart 'at shot at his loove,
For he thowt hoo was nobbut a swan?
An' yo says, If yon lass 'ad been wrought up o' th' broo,
Why her faace 'ud be grahmy an' red,
An' he'd niver ha' took her, not he, for a swan,
Saw hoo'd maybe ha' lived to be wed!
Eh, wat songs we ha' soong, an' wat taales we ha' towd,
Oos wenches, an' yo, sir, an' all,
When t' baggin was ower'd, an' we was a-sot
Wi' wer backs ageean th' owd cabin wall!
Coom in then—eawr Gaffer's a good un, he is,
An' we'n gotten t' best aaf of an hoor;
An' Polly an' Liz 'ull sit wi' yo o' th' bench,
An Ah'll lig ma dahn oop o' th' flooer:
For Ah mind wat yo says te mah moother, Ah deah;
Yo says, 'at it's noan a disgraace
Te sit wi' a wench iv her breeches an' clogs
An' a smile of her bonny black faace!