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I come when the cold drifting snow
Lies white upon the frozen ground,
When Winter winds do loudly blow,
And all is bare and bleak around;
While Spring lies 'neath a winding sheet,
Protected from the snow and sleet.
I am the herald of the flowers,
Usher them in and then I go;
In vain you search the Summer bowers,
And Spring's sweet face I scarcely know;
Though for her eager watch I keep,
Till Winter wakens from his sleep.
Though trembling to her skirt I cling,
I never meet her face to face;
Although I am the child of Spring,
I never feel her warm embrace.
When April comes with sun and showers,
I am not found among the flowers.
And so I come, and so I go,
A little white neglected thing,
Left to stand out amid the snow:
And yet I know my mother Spring
Oft comes near me when I'm asleep,
And in my dreams I hear her weep.


I come from a far distant land,
But cannot see for sleet and snow
His face who leads me by the hand
But 'tis an angel's voice, I know,
That cheers me in my lonely hours,
And sends me here to wake the flowers.