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written chiefly during a tour through Holland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and Hungary. By Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley

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Thou'rt a fair River, boundary-stream! between
The Christian and the Osmanlie—who long
Waged war unchecked, fired still with hatred strong
Against each other, darkening thy fair scene
With slaughters!—Oh! that such stern things have been!
'Tis well to other ages, their dark wrong
Should rest confined: let such not frown among
Our fair homes now!—Lo! quiet and serene
Let Peace and Tolerance spread their gentle wings,
To cover o'er the nations: let no more
Sharp Discord gall us with her thousand stings,
To devastate our earth from shore to shore.
Let our pure Faith teach us far holier things,
And we the example give full loftier than before!