University of Virginia Library

“Be consoled,”
Gravely he answered: “I have wronged thee much;
Yet will I now atone and give thee peace:
Depart! and I will shake my cloak between you,
And then thou wilt remember him no more.”
Silent and shamed she went: he, from his shoulders
Took off the cloak wonderful, crystalline,
Green as the vivid sea, broidered with foam,
And flaked with mother o' pearl: he shook it thrice,
And from the folds burst forth a storm of sound,
Of murmurous music, as of all the waves
On all the shores of Eirë: when it ceased,
Unto Cuhoolin pointing, thus he spake
“She will forget thee, thou shalt not forget;”—
Turned and was gone. Like unto shipwrecked folk,
Stunned, drenched, and scarce escaped with life were we.