University of Virginia Library



Lastly, an angel ushered me in haste
Out through the sunrise. I beheld the earth
Setting behind me; I beheld the Past
Reddened with life and love, and knew the worth
Of life itself, and love itself and time;
And of two women, there was one sublime
Waiting in sadness, tears, and love, and faith,
Clad brilliantly—crowned was that delicate wraith
Of white immortal face, and haloed hair,
Seen of remembered gold veiled in the fair
White widowhood of many a holy year;
And her tried soul, transcendent now and clear,


Like the last summit, like a steadfast star,
And merged into the lucent opening far
Away in widening heaven.
Then I turned
To seek that other, for whom life had burned
So long unquenchably; and dimly seen
In dismal joys and anguish, that had been
An altered shadow on a failing shore,
Pained me awhile: then I looked back no more.