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Poems and Songs

by Thomas Flatman. The Fourth Edition with many Additions and Amendments

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On the Death of Mr. Pelham Humfries.
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On the Death of Mr. Pelham Humfries.

Pastoral Song.

Did you not hear the hideous Grone,
The Shrieks, and heavy Mone
That spread themselves o're all the pensive Plain;
And rent the breast of many a tender Swain?
'Twas for Amintas, Dead and gone.
Sing ye forsaken Shepherds, sing His Praise
In careless Melancholy Lays,
Lend Him a little doleful Breath:
Poor Amintas! cruel death!
'Twas Thou could'st make Dead words to live,
Thou that dull Numbers could'st inspire
With charming Voice, and tuneful Lyre,
That Life to all, but to Thy self could'st give;


Why could'st Thou not thy wondrous Art bequeath?
Poor Amintas! Cruel Death!
Sing pious Shepherds, while you may,
Before th' approaches of the Fatal Day:
For you your selves that sing this mournful Song,
Alas! e're it be long,
Shall, like Amintas, Breathless be,
Though more forgotten in the Grave, that He.