University of Virginia Library


‘They say, a Womans red-Rag is well hung;
‘But this is the dullest Muse that e're spake with a Tongue.
‘For my part, hitherto the Song is well sung,
‘And I'le Rake no more in this nasty Dung.
‘I'le see 'um hang'd or damn'd, before
‘I'le trouble my self with the Sophies any more.
‘This kind of Hotch-potch-Stuff,
‘Is for Country Bumkins, rough and enough.
‘Because my Muse is so damnable Dull,
‘I'le turn her off, and take another, so I wull.
‘Still a Womans Tongue is nimble,
‘As a Taylors Needle and Thimble:
‘If it be, Mine has had so many Twinges.
‘That 'tis almost off the Hinges.
‘If I had once done with these sad Wights,
‘My Wits could soon come again to Rights.
Where the Soul lodges, 'tis an Art,
In the Metropolis of Head or Heart?


What is the Matter of the Sphæres,
Solid or Fluid, ask the Bears?
If with Dæmons we be acquainted,
'Tis a rare thing to be Sainted.
You see how Constellations are Painted,
Wise men with Toys are too much Tainted.
Cartez Glandula hangs in the Brain,
The Fancy of a Dull Swain,
All Figures it doth entertain.
But it proves Labour in vain,
To see how they go and come again,
And put the poor Noddle to pain;
There's no room for the King of Spain.
‘If I fall more into the Philosopher's Lot,
‘'Tis the right way to be a Dunce or Sot,
‘As they must be that love the Pot.
The great Spirit hight Καναριον,
Will never turn into Carrion,
The Circle by a Point of Steel,
Turns round the Center, like a Wheel.
Take heed, for you may Evade it,
Definitum in Definitionem non Cadit.
This Notion came by Inspiration,
Old Bald-pate Time is a Duration.
A Wise-man may wish his Body of Limbs bereft,
That his Soul may be in all the rest that are left.
The Stoicks Drop, no bigger than a Pea,
Prov'd equal with the Ocean Sea.
Gemmæ, Lapilli, & Terræ Minutales,
Are Philosophick Mysteries Capitales.


The lesser the Body, the lesser the Space,
The most Wit is in the least Place.
Let all these come Face to Face,
Before 'um I'le carry the Mace.
Protagoras found out this Treasure,
Man is of all things the True Measure.
Many things were invented for Pleasure,
Especially by Idle-heads, that had leisure.
Jerom ground his Teeth, 'tis a Jeer,
To teach him speak Oriental Tongues cleer.
Timæus in Wit did abound,
Calling the Intellect, a Circle Round.
He made the Insects all Spirits,
Who shall reward him for his Merits?
An Indivisible is more than a Point,
To roast an Ox, is more than a Joynt,
To drink up a Gallon, is more than a Pint.
These are such Artists as never were,
Cut a Feather, split a Hair:
Hit a Bird flying,
Make an Eel long a dying,
Tho she be flaw'd, Roasting or Frying;
Take a Græcian always Lying.
To Turn and Tune Orbs, the Intelligences
Take pains, but are at no Expences.
Indivisibles may be numbred,
‘Think how my Idle Pate's encombred,
‘How long in Dreaming have I slumbred?
Phantasms are the Souls Clouds,
Matter is the Dæmons Vehicles and Shrowds.


Scaliger's Subtilty, I know what he did lack,
Turn'd him often upon his Back;
Poor Man wanted a Cup of Sack.
A Point Mathematical wants Parts,
Other Points may be divided by Arts,
Turn up the Knave of Clubs, or Ace of Harts.
Philosophers, a Devil choak 'um,
Say Lumen non habet Locum.
They have all Wit at Command,
But they play basely under-hand;
I'le never trust 'um by Sea or Land.
Philoponus was kind to Materia Prima,
Gave it a Form, a Summo ad Ima.
Καριζοντων ου γινεται ψευδος,
Upon every Lye you Intrude us.
Did Algazel make a Bull,
Calling Matter, the Moon at the Full?
Mathematicians and Melancholicks,
Resemble Wizards for their Frolicks.
Rowze up, if you be all in a Slumber,
For Multitude is more than Number.
Moschus, the Phœnix-Inventor of Atoms,
Made the Danaides Tubs without Bottoms.
Arithmeticians, take it for no Disgrace,
If Numbers reckoned in no Place.
Nescio's a Word of an Ingenuous Mind,
Candid, when the Truth you can't find.
Would you think it, fair Lady Maia,
That e're Orpheus interpreted Isaiah.


Μεσται δε Διος πασαι μεν Αγυιαι,
Πασαι δ' Ανθρωπων Αγοραι.
Aratus agrees with Virgil's Contilena,
Both held, Jovis omnia Plena.
Pliny speaks very Cunningly,
Of all the Properties of a Flea.
So did Aristaphanes too,
Abuse Socrates, having less to do,
Three hundred and eighty Words, says Petron,
In form of a Triangular Μετρον.
‘Would you think it, Brave Boys.
‘Wise-men should ever invent such Toys?
Ask Queen Mab, or King Oberon,
What means the Stoicks Σωμα Νοερον.
Tell me, or you shall be suspended,
Whither Spirits be Extended?
How wise Apuleius was,
With his Philosophick Ass?
A Dream put Aristotle out of Breath,
A Meteor, he call'd it, 'twixt Life and Death.
An Quid sit Frustrà, an Datur Vacuum?
Fill the Pot Eedy, Supernaculum,
A Blazing Star's a Rare Spectaculum.
Take off your Cups, for so we Read it,
Os Homini Sublime Dedit.
Anima Tota in Toto, sed quâ Arte?
Et Tota in qualibet Parte.
Cut off a Leg or an Arm,
And it shall do the Soul no Harm.
Because it is such an Elf,
As can shrink into its Self.


Sensûs Communis Quænam est Ratio?
An datur Corporum Procreatio?
Porphyrius was out of his Senses,
In Copulation with th' Intelligences.
Avennazar the Arabian Fool,
Was taught with him in the same School.
‘Now rise up Bungy, rouze up Towzer,
‘And at 'um, for here comes many a Rowzer.
Timachus, after Socrates his Master dy'd,
Affected his Dæmon out of Pride.
Went down into Tryphonius's Den,
Two Nights and a Day, and came home agen.
What he dream'd, he saw and heard,
Of Souls, he was not at all afeard.
Some Souls were sunk whole in Voluptuous Sense,
Others but half-way did dispense.
The like Fancies did Scipio Dream,
Not half so good as Curds and Cream.
Souls now and then it seems did scramble,
'Mong Stars and Planets had a mind to Ramble.
Penetratio Corporum is mighty Proud,
For highest Rooms to thrust and crow'd.
Tell me how more Matter is in a handful of Clay,
Than in two of Water, which manner of way?
In those Extra-Mundane Spaces,
How Intelligences take Places.
Spatium in Mundo, non Mundus in Spatio,
It is good Rhime, but Quænam est Ratio?
Let all your Disputes alone,
There can be no more Worlds than One.
Thus all together upon one Tree,
Several Fruits you seldom see.


‘Shew me another Congregation,
‘Besides ours, of the same Perswasion:
‘When you in Wickedness agree,
‘So well as do Hell and We.
‘Fewer Witches there need to be,
‘And fewer Dæmons you will see.
Tyburn and every Gallow-Tree,
‘Will far less frequented be.
Now break up their Quarters, the Rogues have a Hogo,
They're almost choakt in Terrâ del Fogo.
Cicero, ycleped Tullius,
Came short of the Wit of Raymundus Lullius:
Who travell'd with Alsted all the Round Way
Of Sciences Encyclopædia.
The rest like Block-heads made a stay,
And for fear of more Work, ran all away.
At the North-Pole 'twill be made to appear,
That Whales are cheap, and Sprats be dear:
Dogs are dumb to us, and squat on their Britch,
A Blood-hound never yet Sented a Witch.
Aristotle's Brass-Bowl, Hercules Tub,
Plato's Couch and Carpets, Diogenes Tub.
Chairs, Lamps, Desks, Pillows of Learned Swains,
Are excellent Reliques worth precious Gains;
But still he shall be wisest that takes the most Pains.
Every Crab, Shrimps, Cockels and Oysters,
Like Friars and Monks are shut up in Cloysters,
Till they're turn'd out by Tyrannical Roysters.
'Tis a deep saying of Horatio,
Ratio est Consultatio.


Idem per Idem in Circle Round,
Mean while the plain Truth lies under-ground,
And, for want of right searching, can ne'r be found.
A Diaphanous, Obulous, Globulous Glass,
Representing whatever was;
Hangs in the Center of the Brain,
To which all Species flock amain,
Skipping and Running to and again.
A pitiful Whimsical Fancy, Alas,
If another had said it, he had been an Ass.
Sun Flashes, Stars Dart, Moon Spits,
Mortals be careful to keep in your Wits.
Demonstrations à Priore & Posteriore,
A Majore & Minore.
Every way Before and Behind;
But you must be sure your Business mind,
I'le not give you a Doit for all you shall find.
This will be all you can Poposcere,
Scire est per Causas Cognoscere.
Would you be healthy, I'le offer you fair,
Bottles of Epsam or Bury Air.
Have you a mind for your Recreation,
Learn Aeris Ferramination;
Use no Motion, keep your Station.
Bel's Statue could Drink and Eat,
Apollo's us'd to Weep and Sweat;
Some cunning Rogue 'twas that acted the Cheat.
'Twas a good Ox that needed no Cord,
But came to the Altar of his own Accord.
A Hen chang'd to a Cock, and a Cock to a Hen;
Men to Women, and Women to Men.


A Flying-Stone was a fine Sight;
A finer to see Mountains Fight:
But the finest Sight that ever was,
To see a Bull leap a Cow of Brass.
Borrax of late I am told,
A way to ferruminate Silver and Gold.
Tycho Brache walked about in Landaff,
With an Astronomick Ring, and a Jacob's Staff.
At first making Laws they us'd to sing,
When publisht, why should not the Bells ring.
Did ye never hear of Flesh in Trees,
To feed poor Commonwealths of Bees.
The Hunting of Grashoppers is as True,
As is their feeding upon Dew;
A Lawyer's in Heaven, Cry Fish New, New.
Corpus Diaphanum & Umbrosum,
Venenosum & Calaverosum,
Serpens Formicis Exosum.
Man was ever a Thinking Creature;
But Woman hath the lovelier Feature.
Venus venustatem depopulatur,
A Devil is a mixture of Monky and Satyr.
Bacchus is a Lust-Provocator,
Hercules a damnable Propagator.
Primi Concubitûs semper Pœnitet,
'Tis easie to ride on a Spanish Gennet.
Once is enough of a Pockyfied Whore;
Hang her Jade, shut her out of Door.
Solus Gallus post Coitum cantat,
Solus Philosophus Hominem plantat.


Elephants are never seen in Copulation,
Nor Pigmies in any Nation.
Ask Dyctys Cretensis, or Cebetis Tabulæ,
At Thebes or Athens, are they not Fabulæ?
Drunkards may soak huge Gobbets of Wine,
For Crater is made a Celestial Sign.