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Beg'd Kiss-salute; Clemanthe's Cheeks display
Large blushing Tide, when heard that Rising way
From th' hand to Lips; tho strait call'd back ag'en
Each crimson Stream, new Thoughts perplexed then,
As fear'd some Tramplers Noise (confirmed tho
Men came not there, Maids task'd at Home did shew)
Sweet, wilder Glance; Orsamnes joyn'd withal
That strong perswasive Point (till then let fall


Through Lover's Heat, and Courting part) that He
Was better Man in all regards than She
That time conceiv'd; if thought no cheat orehold,
Nor forg'd device: did strait the same unfold:
Ere long by us, tho now reserv'd, exprest;
Clermanthe when (with Wond'ring Thoughts possest)
Casting on him more serious Eyes, fixt there,
From Lilly-cheek'd did turn all Rose as 'twere:
Remember'd well sh' had seen him once before,
At great Court-Masque, some two Years since, no more:
In th' old King's days (his Father too beheld)
Inform'd 'twas He; thought Person choice, excell'd,
Then but Nineteen: heard gallant Praise of him
That Time, more afterwards, spread grand esteem.
Which view declar'd, her own Rank then and Name
She sober told withal. When heard the same,
Orsamnes strait remember'd with best pow'r
He saw her too at Court, that Masquing hour:
Thought Grecian Star, inquir'd, was told 'twas She,
Then but Fifteen (her Father there did see)
Plac'd not far off: th' old King soon after Dy'd;
Great Change conjoynd, as shall be specify'd.