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The Works of Mr. Robert Gould

In Two Volumes. Consisting of those Poems [and] Satyrs Which were formerly Printed, and Corrected since by the Author; As also of the many more which He Design'd for the Press. Publish'd from his Own Original Copies [by Robert Gould]

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Love can't be hid.

Accurst and torn from the Records above,
Be the sad Hour in which I own'd my Love:
Curst be the Wretch that did the Message bear,
That made her tender Nature grow severe,
And plung'd me, hopeless, deeper in Despair,
And curst my self (if there a Curse remain,
If yet there be a Plague beyond Disdain)
Who did the inauspicious Lines indite
That banish'd me for ever from her Sight!
O Slave! O Wretch! despis'd, forlorn, undone!
I grasp'd at Joy and pull'd my Ruin on.
She sung, and I was call'd her Voice to hear,
What a delicious Feast for Hope was there!
Then when she danc'd so gracefully she'd move,
At first 'twas Wonder, but at last 'twas Love!
Her Look, like Light'ning, did all Bars controul,
And let her all entire into my Soul!
Her ev'ry Action did Delight create,
And I was blest more than I can relate.
All this with Silence, all had still been mine,
I spoke, and streight that Sun forbore to shine;


The smiling Heav'n was in a Moment fled,
And endless Woe presented in its stead.
O Slave! O Wretch!—Yet why shou'd I complain?
By Fate compell'd, I have reveal'd my Pain,
And so shou'd do were it to do again:
That Spirit Love what subtle Chain can bind?
What Strength, what Prudence keep it long confin'd?
Resistless, thro' all Lets 'twill force its Way,
And when once Master will no more obey.