University of Virginia Library

L. Of thy mercy lete vs not mys,
Fili Marie virginis.


O king of grace and indulgence,
By whome alle thyng hath existence,
Forsake not man for his offence,
Fili Marie virginis.


Haue mercy, lorde, haue mercy on me
For thi mercyes, that so grete be,
For why my soule dothe trust in the,
Fili Marie virginis.


My prayere, lorde, as swete encense,
Be directed to thy presence:
Forgeve my synne and negligence,
Fili Marie virginis.


Thou shalt not, lorde, despise, but know
A contrite hert and meked lowe:
Lorde, fro thy face thou me not throw,
Fili Marie virginis.



With thy grace, lorde, thou vs enspire,
Inflame vs with goostely desire
And of thy loue burne vs with fire,
Fili Marie virginis.


That we may come vnto that blis,
Wherof the ioye eternall is,
Graunte vs, thou prince of alle princis,
Fili Marie virginis.