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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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SONG. XLVII. Another for Christmas day.

A Song of Ioy vnto the Lord we sing,
And publish forth the Fauours he hath showne:
We sing his praise, from whom all Ioy doth spring,
And tell abroad the wonders he hath done;


For, such were neuer since the world begun.
His loue therefore, oh let vs all confesse,
And to the Sonnes of men his workes expresse.



As on this Day, the Sonne of God was borne:
The blessed Word was then incarnate made;
The Lord, to be a Seruant held no scorne;
The Godhead was with humane nature clad;
And Flesh, a Throne aboue all Angells had.
His Loue therefore, oh let vs all confesse,
And to the Sonnes of men his workes expresse.


Our Sinne and Sorrows on himselfe he tooke,
On vs his blisse and goodnes to bestow.
To visit Earth, he Heauen a while forsooke:
And to aduance vs high, descended low;
But with the sinfull Angells dealt not so.
His Loue therefore, oh let vs all confesse,
And to the Sonnes of men his workes expresse.


A Maid conceiu'd, whom Man had neuer knowne:
The Fleece was moistned where no raine had beene:
A Virgin she remaines, that had a Sonne;
The Bush did flame that still remained greene;
And this befell when God with vs was seene.
His Loue therefore, oh let vs all confesse,
And to the Sonnes of men his workes expresse.


For sinfull man all this to passe was brought,
As long before the Prophets had forespoke:
So, he that first our shame and ruine wrought,
Once bruiz'd our heele, but now his head is broke;
And he hath made vs whole, who gaue that stroke.


His Loue therefore, oh let vs all confesse,
And to the Sonnes of men his workes expresse.


The Lambe hath plaid deuouring Wolues among.
The Morning starre of Iacob doth appeare.
From Iesses Roote our Tree of Life is sprung,
And all Gods words (in him) fulfilled are.
Yet wee are slacke his praises to declare.
His love therefore, oh let vs all confesse,
And to the Sonnes of men his workes expresse.