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Ayres and dialogues

For One, Two, and Three Voyces; To be Sung either to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol

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Upon Recovery of a fit of Sickness.

Tis true;
I did receive a Life from you:
For he's unjust
That shall deny the miracles thou dost:
When my poor Heart
Was ready to depart
This air, thou cam'st to visit me,
And brought'st me heavenly Surgerie
In either Eye.
But see,
This mercy's full of crueltie;
For I had paid
But one poor Life, had then my frame decay'd:
When now to please
Your Pride is a Disease
Past cure; for with each minute I
Suffer a Death, yet cannot dye;
'Tis Tyranny.
My Heart,
Whereon you practise all your Art;
You'l say's your own,
So Surg'ons torture ere their skill be shown:
If you'l devise
Mine to Anotomise,
That so you may advance your skill;
First be so kind as throughly kill:
My wish fulfill.