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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire 36.
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Satire 36.

[Qvestion Don Lingus but of forraine states]

Qvestion Don Lingus but of forraine states,
And you shall see how formally hee prates:
Straite heel'e vp, & tell, how he hath seene,
That stout & famouse Amazonian Queene.
Vowing it is the onely worthi'st sight,
To see the order of th'Amazons fight,
Then forewardes still hee'le talke of Prester John,
Commending him for a most worthy man,
Protesting that, soe soone hee came on Land,
Hee had that gallant warriour by the hand.
Pussh, pussh (quoth hee,) this barren Europa
Is nothing like to Æthiopia,
And then he shakes his head, (sighing most deepe)
Oh! (quoth hee) why did not I my selfe there keepe?
Which done; his Audience straight 'ginnes to applaud him.
And though an Asse, yet like a God they laude him.
Yet question him but out ath'English stile,
You'le finde the Goose ne're crost his Natiue Jle,