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Piety, and Poesy

Contracted, In a Poetick Miscellanie of Sacred Poems. By Tho: Jordan

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An Elegie on the lamented Death of the virtuous Mis. Anne Phillips, Dedicate to her Son and Heir Mr. Edmond Philips.

An Elegie on the lamented Death of the virtuous Mis. Anne Phillips, Dedicate to her Son and Heir Mr. Edmond Philips.

Religious Creature, on thy sacred Herse
Let my sad Muse ingrave a weeping Verse
In watry Characters, which nere shall dry,
Whil'st Men survive to write an Elegy:

Dull Brass, Proud Marble, and Arabian Gold,
(Though they tyre Time and Ruine) shall not hold
Their aged Letters half so long, as we
Shall keep thy living worth in Memory:
Obedience was thy study, Truth thy aim,
Wisdome thy worship, Fortitude thy fame,
Patience thy peace, and all good Eys might see
Thou did'st retain Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Within the holy treasurie of thy Mind,
Were the choise vertues of all Women-kind:
Nothing that had affinity with good,
But liv'd within thy Spirit or thy Bloud;
No costly Marble need on thee be spent,
Thy deathlesse Worth is thine own Monument.