University of Virginia Library


The Dedication.

To GOD, my Sov'raign Lord,
My Heart and Hand accord
These Holy First-fruits of a Pious Mind
At any Rate
I can't be so Injurious or Unkind
To the Memory of my Brother,
As to devote to any Other
These Sacred Relicks he hath left behind.
My GOD! Thou art the Heir
Of all the Prais and Pray'r
Which he, or I, can offer at Thy Throne.
We call Our Gifts: Indeed they are Thine Own:
These Faculties from Thee do flow;
And therfore, that to Thee we ow
Both Them, Our selvs, and All, I needs must own.
Thy Prais a Subject is
Fitter for Souls in Bliss,
Whose more unclouded Sense may best descry
Those Depths and Hights,
To mortal Wights
Unknown, which in Thy Glorious Godhead ly.
This well the Author did perceiv,
And therfore hastned Flesh to leav,
That by the shift, he might becom All Ey.


Be pleas'd then to accept
This Off'ring I hav kept
Too long in Privat; since it may becom
A Publick Good,
If understood
Aright, and Thy good Spirit set it home
On Hearts, to propagat Thy Fear,
Till, as in Hev'n it is, So here
On Earth, Thy Will be don, Thy Kingdom com,
Philip Traheron.