Pocula Castalia The Authors Motto. Fortunes Tennis-Ball. Eliza. Poems. Epigrams. &c. By R. B. [i.e Robert Baron] |
The Temper.
Pocula Castalia | ||
The Temper.
Cease me with Ardour to infestFierce Leo, and Heavens burning stone,
Th'Idalian fire hath made my Breast
Loves Africk, Cupids Torrid Zone,
Or Ætna, which doth feed such great
Flames, as I need no other Heat.
Invested in thine icye tireCome hoary Hyems to my reliefe.
But yet I fear before my fire
Thoul't drop away; or else for Griefe
Dissolve to briny tears to see
My feaver, and drown thy selfe and me.
If Poison Poison can allay,Sol fires extinguish with his beams,
Come Titan, with thy scalding Ray
Look out my flame. If by th'extremes
I chance to get a Calenture,
That's cool to what I now endure.
Cease Winter crown'd with Cristall iceTo frigidate my Eliza.
Her Heart's the Court of Dian nice,
Who makes it Greenland, Scythia
Or Caucasus, the frozen Station
Of cold which needs no Augmention.
She's white enough, and well may spareThine ashie fleece, a foyle to her,
Which when it sees it self so far
Excell'd, dissolves into a tear,
For spight its not so fair as she,
It turnes durt foule as others be.
Come Phœbus arm'd with scorching beams,Besiege her with Iunes heat. But I
Fear e'r shee'l thaw to amorous streames
Thy selfe wilt freeze, or from her eye
(The Cittadell o'th' God of Love)
Thou'lt be shot and my Rivall prove.
If Snow can keep the Saplings warm,If Wells be hottest in December,
Winter thy selfe with Ice go arme,
And come beleager evry member,
Till she yeelds Dian shall be sent
Into perpetuall Banishment.
When thou hast chas'd her from her hold,And art possest thy selfe of it,
If by thy over-chilly cold
She chance an Ague for to get,
She shall extract from me such Cyprian heat
As'l cast us both into a panting sweat.
Pocula Castalia | ||