University of Virginia Library

Fincormack, 35th King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 301, fra the begining of the Kingdome 631, and Rang 47 Yeers.

A spritfull Prence, illustreous in Armes:
Defate the Rage of Romans in his Ire:
He hap'lie helpit all Octavius Harmes,
And that perpetuate to his Empire:
Which CRATHALINT his Fortone got before,
Bot by his Martiall Means secured more.


TH'afflicted and confined Christeane,
(So much this Prince did Pietie respect:)
Be that most monstrous Man Domitiane,
He be his Prencelie Powar did protect:
And yet th'illustreous Prince his Storie sayes,
He past in Peace, and leiv'de his laitter Dayes.