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36. [Ȝe blindit luvaris luke.]


Bannatyne MS.

Ȝe blindit luvaris luke
The rekless lyfe ȝe leid;
Espy the snair and huke
That haldis ȝow be þe heid:
Thairfoir, I reid remeid,
To leife and lat it be;
For lufe hes non at feid
Bot fulis þat can nocht fle.
Quhat is ȝour lufe bot lust,
Ane littill for delyte,
Ane beistly game robust,
To reif ȝour ressoun quyte;
Ane fowsum appetyte,
That strenth of persoun waikis;
Ane pastance vnperfyte,
To smyte ȝow with þe glaikis.
Quhair sensuall lust proceidis,
All honest lufe is pynd;
Ȝe ma compair ȝour deidis,
Vnto ane brutall kynd;
Fra vertew be con[s]trynd
To follow vyce, considdir
That ressoun, wit, and mynd,
Ar all ago togiddir.
The wysest woman þairout,
With wirdis may be wyllit
To do þe deid but dout,
That honour hes exyllit:


How mony ar begyllit,
And few I fynd that chaipis;
Thairfoir ȝour faithis ar fylit
To frawd thay silly aipis.
Ȝe mak regaird for grace
Quhair nevir grace ȝit grew;
Ȝe lang to ryn the race
That ane or baith sall rew;
Ȝe preiss ay to persew
Thair syte and ȝour awin sorrow;
Ȝe trest to find thame trew,
That nevir wes beforrow.
Ȝe cry on Cupeid king,
And Venus quene in vane;
Ȝe send all maner thing
With trattillis thame to trane;
Ȝe preiche, ȝe fleich, ȝe frane;
Ȝe grane ay quhill thay grant;
Ȝour prectikis ar profane,
Pure ladeis to supplant.
Ȝe schowt as ȝe wer schent,
Thay swoun to se ȝow smartit;
Ȝe rame as ȝe wer rent,
And thay ar rewthfull hairtit;
Ȝour play[s] ar sone peruertit,
Fra þat thair belly ryss;
Thay wary ȝow þat gart it,
And ȝe thame in lykwyss.
Ȝit thair is lesum lufe
That lawchtfully suld lest;
He is nocht to reprufe
That is with ane possest:
That band I hald it best,
And nocht to pass attour,
Bot ȝe can tak no rest
Quhill thay kast vp all four.


Sic luvaris seyndill meitis,
Bot ladeis ay forlorne is;
Quhen thay bewaill and greitis,
Sum of ȝow lawchis and skornis:
Ȝour hecht, ȝour aith mensworne is
Ȝour lippis ar lyk burd-lyme;
I hald ȝe want bot hornis,
As bukkis in belling tyme.
Ȝe trattill and ȝe tyst,
Quhill thay forȝet thair fame;
Ȝe trane thame to ane tryst,
And þair ȝe get þame tame:
Thay sussy nocht for schame,
Nor castis nocht quhat cumis syne;
Bot quhen ȝe claw þair wame,
Thay tummyll our lyk swyne.
Thocht ȝung perwersit natouris
To palȝardy applawddis;
Bot ȝit auld rubiatouris
To hant the laittis of lawdis;
Quhen thay begyn sic gawdis,
To leif thay ar most laith,
Quhan thay haif gottin blawdis,
With Venus bowtyne cleth.
Ȝe wantoun wowaris waggis
With thame that hes the cunȝe;
For haif ane bismeir baggis,
Ȝe grunche nocht at hir grunȝe:
Swa ladeis will nocht sounȝe
With waistit wowbattis rottin,
Bot prowdly thay will prounȝe
Quhair geir is to be gottin.


Quhair money may ȝow moif,
I hald it aweryce;
Thair is na constant lufe,
Bot commoun merchandyce:
This ordour now is nyce,
Quhair lufe is sauld and coft,
It is ane dowbill vyce
To bring the Devill on loft.
The bich the curtyk fannis;
The wolf the wilrone vsis;
The mull frequentis þe annis,
And hir awin kynd abusis;
Rycht swa þe meir refusis
The cursour for ane awer;
Swa few I fynd excusis,
Bot wemen quhylss will wauer.
Ȝit poyettis ffew decreitis,
Saif ane hecht Pasifie.
Bot of ȝour sodomeitis
In Rome and Lumbardie,
In [N]aippillis [and] Italie,
To compt how ȝe converss,
I vg for villanie
Ȝour vycis to reherss.
Quhair lechery belappis
All steidfast luve it stoppis;
Quhair hurdome, ay vnhapp is
With quenry, canis, and coppis.
Ȝe prye ȝow at þair proppis,
Till hair and berd grow dapill;
Ȝe cowet all kyn croppis,
As Eua did the apill.


Thus ȝe haif all the wyte,
And thair mischeif ȝe mak it,
That suld haif wit perfyte,
And wisdome to abstrak it.
Suld ladeis than be lakkit,
Thocht few of thame be gud?
For all dissait thay tak it,
Of ȝour awin flesch and blude.
Wald ȝe foirse þe forme,
The fassoun, and þe fek,
Ȝe suld it fynd inorme,
With bawdry ȝow to blek:
Thairfoir fle fra suspek,
Or than, sa mot I thryfe,
Ȝour natouris ȝe neglek,
And wantis ȝour wittis fyve.
Appardoun me of thiss
Gif ocht be to displeiss ȝow,
And quhair I mak a miss,
My mynd sal be to meiss ȝow:
Thir ressonis ar to raiss ȝow
Fra crymes vndir coite,
Or war ȝe say nocht: Wa iss ȝow!
Quod Allexander Scote.