Men-Miracles | ||
The Wake.
I, And whither shall we goe?
To the Wake I tro:
Tis the Village Lord-Majors show,
Oh! to meet I will not faile,
For my Pallat is in hast,
Till I sippe againe and tast,
Of the Nut Browne Lasse and Ales
To the Wake I tro:
Tis the Village Lord-Majors show,
Oh! to meet I will not faile,
For my Pallat is in hast,
Till I sippe againe and tast,
Of the Nut Browne Lasse and Ales
Feele how my Temples ake
For the Lady of the Wake,
Her Lips are as soft as a Medlar;
With her Posies and her points,
And the Ribbons on her joints,
The Device of the Feilds and the Pedlar.
For the Lady of the Wake,
With her Posies and her points,
And the Ribbons on her joints,
The Device of the Feilds and the Pedlar.
Men-Miracles | ||