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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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[Ons musynge as I sat]

Ons musynge as I sat,
and Candle burnynge bye,
When all were husht I myght discern
a symple selye Flye.
That flewe before myne eyes,
with free reioysynge Hart,
And here & there, with wings did play
as voyde of payne and smart,
Somtyme by me she sat,
when she had playde her fyll,
And euer when she rested had
aboute she flyttered styll.
When I perceyud her well,
reioysyng in her place,
O happy Flye quoth I, and eake,
O worme in happy case.
Whiche two of vs is best?
I that haue reason? no:
But thou that reason art without
and therwith voyde of woe.
I lyue and so doste thou,
but I lyue all in payne,
And Subiect am to her alas,
that makes my Gryefe her gayne.
Thou lyuest, but feelst no gryefe,
no loue doth the torment,
A Happye thynge for me it were,
If God were so content.
That thou with Pen, wert placed here
and I sat in thy place,
Then I shuld Joye as thou dost nowe
and thou shuldst wayle thy case.