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Sonetto. 10.


Sonetto. 10.

[The onely helpe that some distressed haûe]

The onely helpe that some distressed haûe,
To keepe the life though lingring in the paine,
Is that a time some place will find to saue,
The losse of heart procured by disdaine.
Nowe place is faire yet hope I doe retaine,
That distance neuer altereth the minde,
The height of hills doth make the lowly plaine,
The rising sunne in skie feares not the winde:
And yet I see place is somewhat vnkinde,
To offer me the lack of her sweete face,
Which cannot solac'd be till I it find:
To free my heart and loûe of loûes disgrace,
O place if thou didst take her from my eye,
Bring her in place where place may remedie.