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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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The VI. Chapter.
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The VI. Chapter.


How sayst thou ; Good-thinking; is not this handled tryckly?

Ye as I assure thee: we haue compast it quickly:
For when the Man was falne, and began once to lament/
Then was-ther noman found, that coulde him better content,
Then wee two suttle Spirits, which do ; in craft; excell.

The Sysze of our Last, doth fitt their Foote right-well.
Wherfore with myne Eys, great Ioy I now beholde.
But the Man shall yet repent it, with Sorrows manyfolde:
For through vs, must he yet ; with Sighing; feare and tremble.

Peace/bring him into no Feare, but still with him dissemble.
For I wil perswade him, that his Understanding is very sounde/
And he shall weene, that ; through Good-thinking; he hath Wisdom founde.

Esa. 30.a. Eze. 22.a.

Good-thinkings Attonement, is pleasant to him indeede.

Therfore ; without Arguing; foorth-on let vs proceede:
For the Man doth towards vs, all his Longing sett.

We two ; I perceaue; can all Men captiue gett:
How wyly soeuer they bee, into our Traps they fall.


Then do into our Netts, yeelde them captiue all:
Spirituall, Temporall Simpleons, and Clerks of great Report


They do almost all ; for Succour; vnder our Wings resort
For we two generally ; of all Men; are the Gouernours.
But therin Cosen am I, the cheefe of the Commishonours:
For verely I Good-thinking, the greatest swaye do beare.
Through Good-thinking I deceaue, Man and Woman eury wheare.
Many lay People, do beleeue the suttle Sleights I frame.
Thear-are olso many Learned ones,

Ier. 21.b. 27.a. 29.a. Eze. 1[illeg.].b.

that preache in my Name.

Thus am I ; among all Names; the Cheefest of Renowne.

O Good-thinking, thou shalt not so disgrace and put me downe
For I am the First borne, and ; before the; begunne.
When Man grew vnregarding, and by falling, was vndunne/
Did he com first, into Good-thinkings Hands?
The Man ; being plaest, in the Best of all Landes;
Became ; euen-theare; Unregarding, in his Thoughts/
And Disobeyed

Gen. 3. 1. Reg. 1[illeg.].

God/by setting his Woord at noughts:

Takeing on him, Knowledg, in steede of the liueing Ueritee.
Thus ; by vnregarding; first, the Man grew to Debillitee:
And fel alway from God, in his owne Knowledg, going-astraye
All this haue I myself brought forth, as heere in breefe I saye.
Euen thus did I gett Power, heer-at take thou no storne.
And so after thatt, wert thou ; Good-thinking; borne.
Therfore keepe thou silence, in clayming Superioritee.


But tell me ; Unregarding; what shewst thou heere for Auctoritee/
Like vnto Mee so fyne/that am helde as

Apo. 17.18.

a Prophet, in eury Lande.

For tis now almost all Good-thinking, what any one doth Understande:
In this sort am I gotten, to be Cheefe aboue thee.

How shouldst thou haue made the man beleeue anything if hee
Had not first ; through Mee; growen to be so negligent?


Freend Unregarding, what are thy pleasant Pads of Meryment?
They are nothiug-at-al, except my Exhortation be theare.
I haue surely caught euryone, with in Good-thinkings Snare.
For in Mee, then do almost all, seeke their

Sap. 2.a. Rom. 1. 5.

Comfort at all Seasons.

And out Good-thinkings Theame, then do also frame ther Reasons.
Thus hast thou nothing like Mee, thou vnregarding Pratler.

Thou mayst well holde thy peace, thou dissembling Tatler/
For with thy Babling, thou bringst Men into Afflictions store/
To that they ; by meanes of theer enuy each other very sore.
Thou makst the People rebellious, with thy Seede of Dissention.
But I Unregarding, do only Mirth frame and mencion.
So much ; thou Hipocrite; am I nobler then Thou.


O but soft Unregarding/wheare is thy Holynes now?
Like-as I bring forth thesame,

Esa. 58.a. Mat. 23.b. Col. 2.c.

in fayned Hipocresy/

With the which, I do dayly, mingle my self ful craftely/
Among the Learned, the Wyse, and great of Estimacion.

I am also mingled, with the high of Reputacion:
For I Unregarding, am the Worlds delytfull Melody.

But yet I Good-thinking, am the Headd of their Hipocrisy/
Which do al-tymes set forth, fayned Holynes to be enured.

Now thear art thou wyde/for I haue ; vnder my Power; allured.
The Worlde with her Wyse, both Men and Women, fitt/
That liue

Sap. [illeg.].a. 14. Rom. 1. [illeg.]. a. Pet. 2.b. Ind[illeg.]b.

Unregarding, and Folly do committ/

And of thy good-thinking Holynes, their recning is but small/


Nor-yet of thy Seede, that thou chokest Man with all/
With thy suttly Deuices, which thou dost forge and set-out.


I perceaue wel that we two, can rule all rounde-about,
With our directions, in Worldly and Spirituall, likewyse:
Though then all liue ; through vs; in neuer so beastly Gyse/
Thatt is not regarded, men may perceaue it truly.

But if a Man fayne himself, and go to Church duly/
Then is he well accounted of, though his Godnes be not much.

Yea, he shoulde soone be caught by the Throte, if he were any such,
That oughts, but what Good-thinking aloweth, shoulde like-of and defende.

But Whoso ; Unregarding, and Good thinking; doth commende/
Hee reioyceth greatly, because he doth honour vs twayne,
But in our filthy Uices, and Workes peruerse and vayne,
Wee Two are doutles, the cheefe Ministers of Hell.

Then let vs equall Fellowes bee, and both together dwell:
And giue me now thy hande, in this League of our Equallitee.
And I wil no more aboue thee, clayme the Principalitee:
But alwayes by thy Syde, wil waite, euen hande-in-hande.

Then let vs no more each other, enuyously withstande:
But be mery still together, and in nowyse to Lament:
To the ende that our Kingdom, in peeces be not rent.
For we continue vnreproued in the Generation of Men.