University of Virginia Library

The strife hath passed—and silence slumbers now
On Midian's field of slaughter. There the prince
Fell by his brother's hand, and kingly crowns
Were crushed by loyal traitors! awful Fear,
Clothed in the darkness of the night, came down
Upon the tyrant, and the vast lone plain
Groaned 'neath its pyramids of gory clay.
But on in wild pursuit hath Gideon gone;
And o'er the fords of Jordan and the plains
Of fair Perea, like a spirit born
To vengeance, on he hurries to the east;
And in the wilds of Karkor cries aloud
In freedom's trumpet voice, as fall the kings
Beneath his giant stroke—“Lo! we are free!”
Thus wisdom wins its triumph; thus the mind
Achieves its lofty glories; and the right,
Howe'er cast down, accomplishes its cause.