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To my Honoured Patron HUMPHERY Davie
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To my Honoured Patron HUMPHERY Davie

A renewing the Memory of Dr Edmund Davie. Who expired at London; Anno 1681

Bereav'd Sir
Delug'd with tears, by what you heard before,
Here Unexpected meets you one stroke more.
Wave upon wave; Blows fall so thicke, so fast,
Arterial blood, I fear, will come at last
Instead of tears; Methinks I feel the smart,
Which in this hour of tryal cramps your heart.
A spouses Death, so wise, so Chast, so fair,
Would bring a Job himselfe next Door Despair:
Soon after that, the First fruits of your strength;
I fear your patience will you fail at length.
But I recall that word, though hard no doubt
Who tends the Furnace, sure will helpe you out.
Had I an intrest where this Pair are gone,
The Vertuous Mother, with the Learned Son;
I'd beg a Balsom for your bleeding wound,
No where below this Climate to be found
Distance cannot be salv'd: let S'impathize
A very little space your heart suffice.
Amplitudini tuae devinctus Benjamin Tompson. Braintry; 29 4 1682.
Samuel Sewall His Book written July 31. 1695.