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Love, as 'tis said, of Beauty tir'd,
Of course no longer blind;
Beheld, and ardently admir'd,
A grave plain nymph, called MIND.
He won her; from this marriage sprung,
As poets fondly deem,
A little maid, whose praise they've sung,
Yclept by them ESTEEM.
REASON admir'd, in early youth,
This lovely maiden's charms;
'Twas Reason woo'd; she, led by Truth,
Soon yielded to his arms.


A beauteous child their union blest,
Of most etherial make:
Of neither sex, as it liked best,
It either form could take.
It had its father's piercing eye,
Its mother's ardent soul;
Its voice affliction's tear could dry,
Or passion's rage control.
The VIRTUES triumph'd in its birth;
Even WISDOM smiling came;
Bade it descend to bless the earth,
And FRIENDSHIP call'd its name.