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Specimens of American poetry

with critical and biographical notices

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Beyond the vast Peruvian realms, whose wealth
Supports the Iberian throne, and freights whole fleets
To Europe's hostile strand; a wond'rous ridge
Of cumb'rous hills, vast, huge, and piled abrupt,
Ascend above the clouds, and bound the view
From sky to sky; aloft bleak winter holds
Eternal reign, and from the mountain's brow,
All cover'd o'er with ice, and white with snow,
Looks hideous down, breathes out his chilling gales,
And the sad wand'rer freezes to the ground,
A ghastly statue, with the dread of death,
Still graved upon his face; sometimes he bids
The whirlwinds roar, and with destruction wing'd


Impels it on the realms below, and oft,
Assembling clouds on clouds, draws o'er the world
A midnight darkness; and with sudden gush
Pours down the rain in dreadful showers, and drowns
The hope of harvest on the field. Where ends
This rocky chain, succeeds a dreary length
Of barren sands, torn up by every wind,
And roll'd in heaps, like the vex'd billows
On the stormy main: around, a frightful, wild,
And horrid prospect, tires the lab'ring eye
In gazing for its end. No vernal green
E'er cheers the yellow waste; no bubbling spring
Its cooling azure rolls along; no rains,
Nor kindly dews refresh the burning soil:
But nature looks as crumbled into dust;
And ruin, sole possessor of the void.
Yet on the sterile desert's utmost verge,
And the rude mountain's skirt, the Spaniards found
A land of plenty, where enlivening Spring
And fruitful Autumn, with alternate change,
Rejoiced the year; where wealth immense (the hope
And end of all their execrable deeds,)
Was found in earth's dark womb, and every joy
Invited their abode. Such Peru was;
And when, subjected to their arms, its tribes
Became the vassals of their power, athwart
This ridge of mountains they pursued
Their way to conquest, and in Chili's realms,
Resolved to fix their arbitrary rule,
Though death in all its horrid forms opposed
Their common toil, and not a soul return'd
In safety from the war. There Zeuma reign'd,
A prince, who in the opening bloom of youth,
Preferr'd his country's welfare to his own.
Once, as with ardent zeal he urged the chase,
And press'd, with matchless swiftness, to secure
His frighted prey, through the thick wood, from far
He spied, low-bending o'er the limpid stream,
An aged hermit; who seem'd wrapp'd in thought
And solitary muse; behind him, arch'd
By nature in the hollow rock, appear'd
A gloomy cave, o'ergrown with moss, his calm
Abode; above, with difficult ascent,
Arose the hill, with vivid verdure crown'd;
Around, the forest spread its grateful shade,


And gently murmur'd to the gale; beneath,
Spontaneous flowers adorn'd the grassy turf,
And sweeten'd every breeze: long gazed the king
On the enchanting scene, and wonder'd much
It had till then escaped his haunt; when, waked
By his approaching step, the father rose,
And with meek rev'rence thus began. “'Tis not,
Great prince, by accident you 've stray'd to this
Sequester'd place, but by divine decree;
That you may know what instant dangers threat
Your rule, what miseries your realms;
That no surprise enervate your resolves
When war alarms you to the field; no dread
Of stranger nations, or unusual arms
Confuse the combat, and in foul retreat
Disperse your routed squadrons o'er the plain.”
He said, and led him, by a winding way,
To the high brow of that delightful hill,
And bid him view the prospect round. He look'd,
And lo! the whole world's globe seem'd stretch'd along
Before his view, so far the landscape reach'd,
So many objects crowded on the eye;
On this side cities stand, and forests wave,
Green fields extend, and gentle rivers glide;
O'erhanging precipices frown, and hills
Ascend on high: on this the white sea foams,
And on the nearer shores, with speedy roll,
Breaks wide its hasty billows. Zeuma starts
At the surprising roar, yet still intent,
Beholds the restless wave, when, new and strange!
High tossing on the angry surge appear
Vast floating piles, that with capacious wings
Collect the breathing gale, and by degrees
Approach the strand; with thund'ring voice discharge
Huge streams of ruddy flame, in cloudy smoke
Involved, and fright the nations round. Again
The monarch starts, astonish'd at the noise,
While, down their steepy sides, descend a throng
Of bearded men, of foreign look and mien;
That brighten'd o'er the plain with shining arms,
And all the pomp of war. To them succeeds
An herd of creatures, fierce and active, train'd
To battle, and the din of arms; on which
The warriors mounting, all proceed, in firm
And regular array, across the field;
Then sound a charge; and o'er the tranquil glebe
Let loose destruction, and with slaughter glut


The sword; with dire oppressive force, and stern
Dominion fix their barb'rous rule, and lord
It o'er the groaning tribes. With horror struck,
Sad Zeuma overlook'd the scene, and mourn'd
The dire event: when thus the hoary sage
His lore renew'd. “These are the foes that now
Are marching to invade your land; and such
The ills that must afflict your tribes; see o'er
Yon ridge of hills, contemning all the force
Of freezing cold, and wintry gales, they pass
Unwearied with the toil: then haste away,
Alarm your people, and with princely care
Draw all your squadrons to the field. If aught
Of doubt yet hangs upon your mind,
Again survey the landscape, and believe
My mission from above.” He look'd, and all
Th' illusive prospect vanish'd from the view,
And nought remain'd, but one vast length of wood,
That murm'ring bow'd before the wanton gale.
So, where the setting sun, with upward ray
Adorns the evening clouds in fleecy gold,
And purple deeply dyed, th' attentive eye,
With wonder, views a maze of objects dawn
In bright confusion o'er the blue sky's edge,
And with a round of never ceasing change
Perplex the doubtful scene, till night's deep shade,
Ascending swiftly, darkens o'er the heavens,
And in grey vapors sweeps the whole away.