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Goddess of the steady eye!
All thy Apathy impart,
From a world of woe I fly,
Take, oh take me to thy heart!
Lend me all thy healing power,
Teach me to suppress the groan,
Let me while affliction's lower,
Turn like Niobe to stone.
Let me to the sneer of scorn,
Still return the placid smile,
Calm,—when angry passions frown,
Silent,—when the rude revile.
Check the Tyrant of the mind,
Source of sorrow, Foe to thee;
Who can peace, or solace find,
Rack'd by Sensibility!
Snatch me from her wasting sway,
Shield me with thy firmer aid,
Let me still thy voice obey,
Gentle, peace-preserving maid!
If greater pangs this bosom rend,
Than ever bosom felt before;
Further may thy sway extend,
Greater, deeper be thy power.


Be every wrong disarm'd by thee,
Rob stern Oppression of his pride,
Bid Malice at thy presence flee,
Turn Envy's venom'd dart aside.
Let hard Reproach soft kindness feel,
To cold Disdain be pity lent,
From Anger wrest his lifted steel,
From black Revenge his discontent.
Goddess of the tearless eye!
Yet give me thy pacific charms;
To thy calm bosom let me fly,
And find a refuge in thy arms!