University of Virginia Library

Classified Ads

Wanted: full-time waiters, full-time
bargirls, Apply 1776 Restaurant.
between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Economos Men's Hairstyles. Layer
cuts, shags, or any style of your
choice. Meadowbrook Shopping
Center. 293-8422.

Enjoy an attractive room, bath
adjoining, off-street parking, quiet
neighborhood. Grad student,

Grad student wants ride to
Oregon/Pacific N.W. after Aug. 15.
Share driving, expenses. 977-3993.

Male to shars furn. apt., own room,
$75 mo. includes utilities.
Sept-June lease. After 4 p.m., call
Judy, 296-1320.

1971 mobile home for sale. 2 bdrm,
porch, underpinned, lg. landscaped
lot in nice park. Reasonable.
973-5943, before 4.

1966 Ford Fairlane, VS,
Automatic, clean, very good shape.
Must sell, $650. 977-8711.

Wanted – Committed Christians for
Christian Commune. Call Luella
Penner or Jim Foster. 296–3582;
write P.O. Box 5756,
Charlottesville 22903.

Female roommate wanted to share
luxury townhouse this fall. A.C.,
dishwasher, etc. $53.75. Call

International Coffee Hour. Every
Thursday, 5 p.m. 21 University
Circle. Lots of activities. All

Graduate Happy Hour, every
Friday evening, 5-7:30p.m. in the
Graduate Lounge at 61 West Range.