University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Recently in the mail I
received a letter from C.
Wavely Parker, Attorney at
Law, representing six students,
accusing some sixty student
organizations (all of them) of
being "social and political and
non-tax exempt
organizations," whose
allocations violate among other

things "the constitutions of the
United States and the
Commonwealth of Virginia."

I not only find these
charges totally absurd (what is
so political about the Table
Tennis Club?) but also quite
libelous and insulting. I find it
hard to believe that, for
example, all of these 60
organizations are being charged
with the "unlawful taking of
private property for private

I certainly hope that
Student Council replies firmly
to these libelous accusations
and hope that members of
these 60 clubs write Mr.
Parker a letter of concern.
Hoping that these ridiculous
objections come to an end
quickly, I am

Don Pearson
UVa Riding Club