University of Virginia Library



1970 TR-6, blue, WW, 17,000
miles, excellent condition. Call
295-0702 after 6:00 p.m.

For Sale: 1967 Rover TC 2000. A
great touring car; call 295-3824
after 5:00 p.m.

'71 Yamaha 200, Road, 1100 Miles,
excellent condition, price
negotiable. Call collect Tracy

For Sale—'68 Firebird, '69 OHC
engine & parts 4-speed trans. Dk.
Grey, Bl, int. Call 296-4965 after 5.

Porsche, 1963 3568,
Excellent—new trans, Radial tires
and brakes $1,695.00 295-7261
after 5.

For Sale 1965 Dodge Van-56,000
miles good mechanical condition,
Radio-heater, $550 Mark-823-5681

1962 Sunbeam Alpine, 55,000
actual miles, good condition.
Professor owned. Call 295-5545.

1970 Yamaha 200 Street
Scrambler. Excellent condition.
Low mileage, $400 or best offer.
Call 293-5001 during day. Ask for

1967 Ford Econoline Van new
tires, Paneled, carpeted excellent
Condition. Call Hap 5-3272


Roommate wanted: 1 bdrm,
$45/mo. plus utilities. Call
296-9305 between 5 & 7.

Wanted: Female roommate to share
spacious, two bedroom apartment.
Rent negotiable Call 295-4596.

2 students need third for large
furnished 2 bedroom apt: 1/2 block
from corner; call 295-0361.

Wanted: 2 women grad students to
sublet dorm room for second
semester. Call 295-6559.

Female roommate wanted: furnished
apartment, best, air cond. included,
close to Grounds, $47.50/month.

Roommate wanted-male graduate
student needs someone to share
one-bedroom, furnished apartment
second semester. Close to
University. Call 296-8625.

Female roommate—Completely
furnished, two bedroom cottage,
$70. Call (day) 924-3987; (night)

Part-time night Secretary needed
for Cavalier Daily. Must be
experienced Typist We will train.
Call Sandy Shifflett 924-3388 12-5
p.m. for interview.


Lost: Notebook of music and
psych. notes needed urgently. Call
Lew 456-6454. Please!

Anyone finding a green army
satchel along Jefferson Pk. Ave.,
Please call J. Macatee at 296-1242.

Lost—Black female kitten. 8mos
old. Near Rugby & Grady, has
broken tall bone, reward call Steve
Conte 295-5496.

Lost: one cream-colored
scarf—hand knit with tassels on the
end. Reward offered. Call


Room—4½ miles on 250—Fireplace,
bathroom and kitchen—$50
includes utilities and
telephone-293-6261 day only.

1 Bedroom furnished Apt. available
Dec. 5. Close to school. Ideal for
single student. $100/month. Call

Share 2 bedroom furn. apt.
$75/mo., avail. immed. Lv. word
for B. Petty at 924-7105.

Rooms for rent by the month,
private entrance, private bath. Air
conditioned. Route no. 29 North.
$65.00-single: $85.00-double. Call
Sunny Hill Motel: 973-5255.


5 Fenton slotted mag type
aluminum wheels. 14″ by 6″. 8
lock nuts included. Org. $200, Now
$100. 4 months old. 293-6732.

Jacket & Stereo—Bomber style
Jacket size 38-42. New
$30—compact stereo, AM-FM
(Stereo), 1 year old. Excellent
condition. Call 295-8736. 111
Ma - pin.

Black lights—brand new, 48 inch.
complete with fixtures. $17.00

New General Electric Cassette
Player with warranty. New 38.00
sell for 25.00. Phone 295-0042
after 6:00 p.m.

Firewood for Sale. We deliver. Call


"Law School—Will I like it? Can I
Make It?" A new book by a recent
law graduate for prospective law
students. Send $2.95. Kroos Press,
Box 3709A Milwaukee, Wis.

Inter Alla, U.Va. Pictorial Map
seizes—and holds—an audience. It's
a distinct delight!—$2.50.

Last chance to purchase any size
water bed w/5 year written
guarantee for only $29.95. Heater
special—35.00 Phone 295-0042
after 6:00 p.m.


For Sale: used G.E. Portable stereo
Good condition. Call Ross
295-0561 $35.00.

Guitar for Sale: Epiphone 12 string,
3 months old, case included
$155.00 Call Tom 293-6996.

For Sale: Cassette Deck, Panasonic
RS-256 R U, $109 new, sell for $70.
will bargain, call Russ 296-3218.

New Martin. Gibson, Guild Guitars,
also trumpets flutes etc., All 30%
off Call Tom 296-4025.