University of Virginia Library

Attacks Abuses

Dear Sir:

I want to endorse the
statement by Professors
Caplow and Harned in the
November 23 The Cavalier
Daily with regard to the
intemperate and unjustifiable
attack by Mr. Mark Mittelman
upon Provost David Shannon,
published in The Cavalier Daily
on November 19.

David Shannon is one of the
most fair-minded and objective
administrators I have known,
and a respected member of the
Department of History. In over
forty years of service in this
University I have never read
such an abusive, purblind and
insulting attack upon a faculty
member and administrator in a
student publication. Mr.
Mittelman and the responsible
editors of The Cavalier Daily
owe Provost Shannon and the
University community a
prompt and proper apology.

Oron J. Hale
Corcoran Professor of History