University of Virginia Library


Female undergraduate wants
roommate to spilt rent for 2
bedroom house rent, 85.00 mo Call
296-3554 after 6:00 PM.

Library Assistant-one-half time
position for faculty wife or other
person interested in developing
career library. Contact: Director,
Office of Placement, 5 Minor Hall

Sturdy student for outside farm
work and help with animals 5 miles
west, must have own
transportation. $1.60 per hour.
Wm. A. Little. German Dept.

Male help for nights weekends for
kitchen + dish washing. Apply in
person. Expresso 1202 W. Main.

Female student, working girl to
share 2 bedroom luxury apartment,
2 baths, carpeted, $100/mo. Linda
295-2943 evenings.