University of Virginia Library



Dr. Rader, former pres. of UNIVAC
at ACM student chapter luncheon.
Parlor B., N.H. at N.H. at noon -
everybody invited.

"Scorpio-Centaurus Association" -
John Glaspey - 114 Gilmer Hall at 4

Sailing Instruction Class at 8 p.m.,
Cocke Hall, Rm. 11

Meeting of all Draft Counselors at
6:30 p.m. - Rm. 4A, N.H.

Open Forum on Charles Reigh's
"The Greening of America" at the
Prism Coffeehouse 5:30 p.m.


Grad. Class Meeting on "Class Gift"
in Wilson Aud. at 7:30. Degree
cand. urged to attend.

Univ. New Democratic Coalition
will meet in N.H. 4B at 8 P.M.

Mandatory Meeting of all social
chairmen of fraternities in IFC
office at 3:30 P.M.


A group of Medical Students are
manning a phone 24 hours a day
to provide drug information and
emergency help. Number is

T.I.L.K.A., Thirteen Society, Spirit
Club, Va. Spectator - pick up mail
from Student Gov't. Secretary.

Any student having complaints
about linen service, please contact
the Student Council at 924-3454.

Any student having suggestions
about calender changes, please
contact the Student Council at

The Centro Hispanico of the
University - informal reception at
Grad. Lounge on Sunday, Feb. 28,
3:00 p.m. All interested persons are

LAW WIVES: Model for fashion
show, try-outs: March 3 - 8:00 Law

Students wanting to work at Castle
9:30 - 3:00 Saturdays and 9:30 to
midnight Sundays should see Mrs.
Ordel 4th floor Newcomb.

The University Guide Service will
hold 2nd Semester interviews Feb.
24, 25, and 26. From 2-5 p.m. at
Rotunda. Membership open to all

Student Council has a copy of Sen.
Metcalf's consumer bill for anyone

Students for Hughes info. available
in S.C. office. 1st come, 1st served.


Wool hand-knit scarf -
yellow/brown, part of a set.
Newcomb Thurs. evening between
7-9. If found contact Judy Fox

Heavy wool charcoal car coat - Call
Bob 295-4288. REWARD

Motorcycle helmet and gloves taken
from coat rack outside Gilmer Hall.
Call Jimmy 293-9425.

Reward - Oversized MATTRESS,
lost Friday between 1:15 - 2 P.M.
on or near Garth Rd. or Old
Farmington Rd. 293-3126 or


Glasses in brown case found in my
car - left by hitch-hiker. Call Mike

Ed Michtom's shirt and tie found
before Xmas holidays lying on
Chancellor St. Call Jimmy

Brownish-white KITTEN with pink
and white collar at Prism Fri. night
call 296-9329 after 6 P.M.

Man's calendar Watch. Identify
Director's office, N.H.