University of Virginia Library

No Election

Dear Sir:

On February 18 The Cavalier
Daily carried an article notifying
the full time graduate students in
the School of Education that
nominations would be accepted for
the position of School for Education
Representative to the Graduate
Council. The article mentioned
requirements, procedures for election
and due dates for each
required procedure. The election
was supposed to have occurred
Thursday, February 26. Due to lack
of interest it has been cancelled.
Out of a possible voting population
of 520 full time graduate students
in the School of Education no
nomination was received.

It is rather ironic that the
Democratic Process should be such
a failure in one aspect of "Mr.
Jefferson's University." Dictatorships
may be murdered; Democracies
die of starvation.

Denise P. O'Brien
Pres., School of Education