University of Virginia Library

Ultimate Victory

Generally, being called upon to comment
on University affairs is a rather depressing
experience. Something is either wrong, or it is
right only because it ameliorates something
that used to be wrong. Perhaps it is merely the
fault of the news media. Maybe we are
oriented too much towards what's wrong
instead of what's right, to the areas of conflict
rather than those of harmony. Whatever the
reason, the depression eventually sets in.

Which is why it is such a pleasure to take
note of the triumph of the New York Mets.
Earl Warren said that he always read the
sports page of his morning newspaper first
because that was where the triumphs of man
were recorded; to him it would be unbearable
to start the day by reading of man's failures
spread out on page one.

When the Mets won the pennant yesterday,
beating Atlanta 7-4, they did something that
they had no right to do; they beat odds that
were insurmountable; in short, they did the
impossible. And in so doing, they demonstrated
that maybe there really isn't anything
impossible. It' something we need to have
demonstrated for us more often.