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State U

Most of the show in Scott Stadium
Saturday was provided by the Cavalier defense
which turned in the finest job seen in
Charlottesville for many years. But there were
a couple of sidelights to Saturday's game that
we feel were worthy of commendation.

First was the performance of the Falls
Church High School Jaguar Marching Band,
122 strong under the direction of James G.
Lunsford. This spirited and highly professional
organization added a lot of color to the
intermission, something which Virginia football
has never been famous for. We hope that
the group from Falls Church can become a
regular visitor to Scott Stadium in the future.

More apparent to most spectators, and
probably especially shocking to returning
alumni, was the debut of the University's,
brightly garbed new cheerleaders — females
yet. The women seemed about as skillful and
well-organized as their male counterparts, but
that didn't really detract from their overall
impact. And it probably brought home to a
lot of people who didn't yet accept it that
coeducation is an imminent reality.

We recall the dire prediction of some old
University men that if the day finally came
when the University had marching bands at
halftime and girl cheerleaders and a football
team that could win, that day would herald
the demise of all that was good and holy and
the advent of the dreaded State U-ism.
Saturday we had all those things and it didn't
seem that anything particularly worth preserving
has passed from the scene.