University of Virginia Library

Blacks Are Welcomed

The first phase involved changing the image
of the University of Virginia. Many blacks in
the state simply do not know of this
University's existence. Those that do believe
they cannot gain admission because of outlandish
admission standards. Many still picture
it as a place only for bourbon swirling Southern
gentlemen. Mr. Thomas recommended that this
be changed by actively informing blacks that
they can attend the University and 'are wanted
and welcomed here.'

The next phase of Mr. Thomas' program
dealt with the need for more active and more
effective recruiting. He pointed to other schools
which have multi-membered staffs recruiting
blacks compared to the part time recruiter at
the University. He attacked the "sweet
numbers" of admissions standards which fail to
take account of the tremendous motivation and
personal drive which blacks now exhibit
towards education. He was primarily interested
in increasing the pool of black applicants in the
most expedient manner possible. Creating a
good social atmosphere was of secondary
importance, he said. Blacks were here to get
educated first.