University of Virginia Library



DRAFT Counselling 3rd floor
conference room, Newcomb Hall,
from 12-2, 5-7. Call 296-7208.

MODERN Rap classes meeting,
CH 316 at 8 p.m., together. Bring a
record to rap about.

MEETING Alderman Judaical
Council at 8 p.m., Webb Conference

NOTICE to Jefferson Society
members: today at 3 p.m. will be
the absolute deadline for signing up
for the Banquet Sunday.

OUTING Club presents the film
"Discovering Hawaii" at 7:30 in
room 4B, Newcomb Hall. Admission

M. G. Paulsen, Dean of the
School of Law, will address the
John B. Minor Society on "The
Revolution in Judaical Procedure"
in an open meeting beginning at 8
p.m. An important constitutional
revision meeting for society members
will begin at 7:30 p.m.


NRAO and Dept. of Astronomy
present Dr. E. Jenkins from Princeton
U. Observatory speaking on "A
Contrast: Lyman and 21 cm.
Measurements of Interstellar
Hydrogen" at 4 p.m., NRAO
Ch'ville Aud., Edgemont Rd.

coffee hour at Graduate Lounge,
p.m. Public invited.

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.
Everyone welcome.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m., room next to
contract cafeteria. All bridge players

NEW OFFICERS and executive
board of Society of Cornish Game
Hen meeting at 8 p.m. in room ,
Newcomb Hall. All new members
come by and play dues, which are
required for membership.

CAVE Club meeting at 7:30
p.m., room 4C, Newcomb Hall.

MEETING of Student Athletic
Council at University Hall, 10 p.m.

ARNOLD AIR Society important
meeting at 7:30 in room B29,
Rouse Hall.

UNIVERSITY Family Housing
Council meeting at 7:30 in
basement of Page House.

AIAA meeting at 7:30 in A&M
Aud. Mr. W. Henderson of NASA at
Langley will speak on "General
Aircraft Design." Public welcome.

GOLF meeting: squad members
only at 5 p.m., lecture room,
Memorial Gym.

"JUDGMENT at Nuremberg" at
6:30 and 9:30 in Newcomb Hall
ballroom. Fifty cents. Starring
Spencer Tracy. Maximilian Scheil
and Marlene Dietrich.


"A MAN and a Woman" showing
at 7:30 and 9:30. Newcomb
Hall ballroom. Fifty cents. Bring
your loved one.

ALL ENTRIES in the University
Union's Fine Arts contest have
been returned to the Union office.
You may pick them up on any
week day from 9-5. Friday April 18
will be the last day for returning
these entries.

JEFFERSON Society will host
the James Madison Humorous Debate
Society of Princeton Friday at
8:30 p.m. in Jefferson Hall for a
debate entitled "The taste that
beats the others cold."

the pledging of the
following Stephen Brummer, Richmond,
Va.: Jeffrey Woodstock,
Va.: Dodson, III,
Roanoke, Va.: Hampton Islam, Cos
Cob, Conn.: Joseph O'Connor, Jr.,
Alexandria, Va.: Lawrence Rodman,
Ridgewood, N.J.: Frank Ruben,
Newport News, Va.: Spencer
Syrett Springfield, Va.: Gregory
, , Va.: Edward
Tosh, Richmond, Va.

HOUSING applications for
$9-70 session are being taken in
assignment office in basement of
Page House according to the following
schedule: Monday, April 7: all
prospective graduate students and
4th and 5th year undergraduate
April 8, 9: prospective 3rd year
undergraduates: April 10, 11: prospective
2nd year undergraduates.
Applications must be accompanied
by a $25 deposit and will be
accepted by Assignment office
between 8-4 only. Applications will
not be accepted before the day

TRYOUTS for Va. Players final
production, "Among the Brutes
and the Tulips" by D. Young, will
be held on Wednesday and Friday.
All are invited to attend at Minor
Hall on both Wednesday and Friday
nights from 7:30-10.

Errors presented by Va. Players
from Monday, April 14 to Saturday,
April 19 at Minor Hall. Curtain
time is 8:30 p.m. every night.
Tickets may be reserved by calling
924-3051. Students only $1 on
Monday and Tuesday nights.

DURING the week of April
14-18 all rising third year students
should confer with their Association
Deans about declaring a major
or informing them of their plans to
transfer. These students should first
report to the lobby of Old Cabell
between 2-5, April 10-17, and
receive instructions about the procedure.
The distribution of materials
will not take place on Founder's
Day, April 14. ASSOCIATION D
and Dept. advisers will be available
according to schedules posted on
their office doors. Rising third year
students who do not declare majors
are ineligible to return to the

ATTENTION all present and
past members of the U. Union
Program Board: The Program Board
will NOT be honored u at
Fiddler on the Roof unless you are
a member of the current board.
Present members will be allowed
only in the "press-light box"