University of Virginia Library

Picky On Females

No such clear favorite emerged
in the favorite actress balloting,
proving thereby that a great basketball
team has diverse opinions
when it comes to feminine pulchritude.

Ursula Andress, Elke Sommer,
and Julie Andrews tied with three
votes apiece. Andress was the
choice of team leader Miller, but
in this sensitive area, his influence
was not enough to overcome the
supporters of the Misses Sommer
and Andrews. Miss Andrews incidentally
was the overwhelming
favorite of the team's mothers.

Lovely Natalie Wood finished a
disappointing fourth with only two
votes, both of which came from
substitutes. Callow sophomore forward
Ricky Webb remained loyal
to the legs of Angie Dickinson,
and one determined iconoclast,
junior guard Gerald Tuttle, voted
for Phyllis Coates.

Another interesting result came
in the race for most admired sports
star of 1967. Stranded somehow
in the midst of predictable votes
for Arnold Palmer and Bill Bradley
were lone votes for Joe Namath
and Joe Don Looney.