University of Virginia Library


The President reported that the Honorable Wayne G. Borah, acting on behalf of the University of
Virginia as its representative with respect to the Succession of Hugh E. Vincent, had executed two
instruments dated 18 June 1962 and 28 June 1962, respectively, which instruments had also been
executed by or on behalf of The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Trinity Church,
Mildred Saffold Vincent and Frank B. Hayne, conveying a pipeline right-of-way to Creole Gas Pipeline
Corporation over lands in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, acquired from the Succession of Hugh E.
Vincent. These instruments provided for a nominal payment of $100.00 for such right-of-way but
further provided that if Creole Gas Pipeline Corporation lays a pipeline in such right-of-way it
would pay an additional sum of $15,030.00, to be paid before the line is laid, and if it lays an
additional line in said right-of-way it would pay an additional sum of $15,030.00 therefor within
60 days subsequent to the completion of construction of such additional line. If payment for the
first line was not made within four months from 18 June 1962, date of the first instrument, the
grant of rights-of-way would thereupon cease and determine

The interested parties have been notified by Creole Gas Pipeline Corporation that it desires
to begin to lay the first pipeline provided for in the Agreements and is ready to pay the sum of
$15,030.00 therefor. However, Creole Gas Pipeline Corporation, before doing so, has requested that
the action of Judge Borah on behalf of the University of Virginia in executing the instruments dated
18 June and 28 June 1962, be ratified and approved by this Board

It was pointed out by the President that the sum of $15,030.00 to be paid for the first pipeline
represented a payment of $10.00 per rod and the grant of such right-of-way at this price was
advantageous to the Vincent Succession. He then presented photostatic copies of the two instruments
in question for consideration

After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded the following resolution was adopted

BE IT RESOLVED that the action of the Honorable Wayne G. Borah, on behalf of the University of
Virginia, in executing those certain instruments dated 18 June 1962 and 28 June 1962, together with
The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, Trinity Church, Mildred Saffold Vincent and Frank
B. Hayne, conveying a pipeline right-of-way to Creole Gas Pipeline Corporation over lands in St.
Bernard Parish, Louisiana, acquired from the Succession of Hugh E. Vincent, No. 304-985 C.D.C.,
Orleans Parish, which right-of-way instruments are recorded in 82 Fo. 453 of the Conveyance Records
of St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, is hereby ratified and approved