University of Virginia Library



Registration - Applicants seeking matriculation at the College should present themselves to the
Registrar or his representative on the date specified in the College announcements

Delayed Registration - Any student who fails to present herself at the times specified for
registration will not be permitted to matriculate unless she can explain her delay to the satisfaction
of the Registrar. If admitted after explanation, the student will be charged a delayed
registration fee of fifteen dollars, ten dollars of which may be waived by the Registrar for proper

Health Requirements - Each year, each student is required to present a certificate from her
family physician indicating the results of a physical examination made not more than two months prior
to the beginning of the session. If this approved health certificate is not on file at the time the
student registers for classes, a fee of five dollars will be charged for its late filing

Withholding Academic Credit - Grades, diplomas, and transcripts of credits will be withheld for
students and former students who have failed to meet their official financial obligations

Class Attendance - Students are required to attend classes regularly throughout the session,
except within the framework of excused absences as described in detail in the College catalogue

Honor Pledge - Registration at the College is considered incomplete until each student has
signed a pledge card certifying that she has familiarized herself with the Honor System code and
understands fully what is expected of her