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13th of May Monday 1805.

The wind continued to blow hard untill one oClock P M. to
day at which time it fell a little and we set out and proceeded
on verry well about 9 miles and camped on the Lard Side. the
countrey much the same appearance as yesterday but little
timber in the bottoms, some Pine in places on the Stard. Hills.


Page 33
I killed two deer this evening one a mule deer & the other a
common Deer, the party killed several this morning all for
the use of their Skins which are now good, one man Gibson
wounded a verry large brown bear, too late this evening to
prosue him. We passed two creeks in a bend to the Lard Side
neither [of] them had any water,

Course & Distance 13th. of May 1805

S. 35°. W.  1 1/2  along the Std. Shore to a point of high timber opposit a
bluff, passing the enterence of two creeks on the
L.S. neither of which discharge any water at this
time. 1st. 18. 2d. 30 yds wide
S. 50°. W.  along the Std. point oppsd. a high bluff 
N. 75°. W.  to a point of wood land on the Lard. Side 
S. 80°. W  2 1/2  along the Lard Shore to a point of wood land near
which we incamped on the Lard Side